Work with Lisa Dieken

Lisa is dedicated to helping others raise their consciousness.

50 minutes

Sessions are usually done over the telephone.

Lisa is committed to covering what is most valuable to you during your sessions.

If you have questions about sessions, or would like to schedule one, please send Lisa an email message to the following address:
InnerGuidanceMail [AT] yahoo [DOT] com

Transforming your consciousness is the way to create lasting change in the world.

I teach people how to do this. Work with me.

People progress at different rates. Raising your consciousness is understandably long-term. My recommendation is to continue sessions until you have the skills needed to proceed raising your consciousness on your own.

Lisa can work with employees of your organization. If you are interested, please contact her: InnerGuidanceMail [AT] yahoo [DOT] com

If you would like to coordinate an in-person class, please contact me.

This is an investment in your personal development.

"I feel a difference in myself. [An incident occurred.] In the past I would have become upset and scared. I couldn't believe how relaxed I was, it was refreshing. "
--- This was mentioned by a client who is working with her higher self to raise her consciousness.