Raising Consciousness

Raising consciousness is also referred to as transformation.

When you raise, or transform, your consciousness, you release fears, conditioning, unhealthy patterns, and so on - what people refer to as the shadow. Spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) referred to it as "the net of illusions."

The root cause of all of the issues we are facing in the world is our level of consciousness.

As you raise your consciousness, you are making the world a better place - you are also taking steps toward reaching your full potential.

Raising your consciousness is a permanent change in character - elements of the shadow fall away.

As you raise your consciousness, your heart opens.

Innovation improves.
It's easier to understand others.
As you raise your consciousness, you are taking steps toward reaching your fullest potential.
You become more loving and kind, and you know when to be firm.
You increase your inner peace.
Raising your consciousness creates harmony with nature.
You become emotionally and psychologically strong.

These are only a few of the benefits. The beneficial results of raising consciousness are many.

Work with Lisa Dieken

50 minutes

Sessions are usually done over the telephone.

Lisa is dedicated to helping others raise their consciousness.

She is committed to covering what is most valuable to you during your sessions.

If you have questions about sessions, or would like to schedule one, please send Lisa an email message to the following address:
InnerGuidanceMail [AT] yahoo [DOT] com

Transforming your consciousness is the way to create lasting change in the world.

I teach people how to do this. Work with me.

People progress at different rates. Raising your consciousness is understandably long-term. My recommendation is to continue sessions until you have the skills needed to proceed raising your consciousness on your own.

Lisa can work with employees of your organization. If you are interested, please contact her: InnerGuidanceMail [AT] yahoo [DOT] com

This is an investment in your personal development.

"I feel a difference in myself. [An incident occurred.] In the past I would have become upset and scared. I couldn't believe how relaxed I was, it was refreshing. "
--- This was mentioned by a client who is working with her higher self to raise her consciousness.

Teaching multi-day in-person classes is on hold right now.

Future of Humanity

Spiritual scholar Andrew Harvey has written about Indian philosopher and yogi, Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950). Harvey writes that Aurobindo's work "is what many people consider to be the map of the possible future of humanity."

Aurobindo wrote, describing raising consciousness:

"If we can live deeper within... [Higher Consciousness] creates a higher type of being."

"...every disturbing element will progressively fall away from your nature."

"...it will be your constant, simple and natural experience that all your thought and seeing and action... come from [Higher Consciousness]".


Spiritual teacher Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982) said, "Human beings have to be dwellers of the inner cave, so that the Supreme Being who resides within may be revealed."

This is surrendering to your higher self.
This is raising your consciousness.

We need to be listening to our deep inner guidance.


These are some of the results Lisa has experienced as she has been raising her consciousness:
- mind has become more quiet
- less irritated by environment, such as noises, cold, and heat
- easier to interact with difficult people
- better understanding of people
- more relaxed
- things that used to be overwhelming are no longer overwhelming
- more loving
- intuition has improved
- no longer has creative blocks
- health has improved

Important Elements

The key to raising your consciousness is to go within to listen to your inner guidance.

Other important elements of raising your consciousness:
-Recognizing the blind spots you have in your self development
-Self-observation skills
-Releasing buried emotions
-Working through fear


"We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel." Marshall B. Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication

Quote: What you truly want to become

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become. -Steve Jobs

Following your heart and intuition is following the guidance of Higher Consciousness.

Following your heart and intuition are elements of raising your consciousness.

Your intuition leads you to your most fulfilling life - that which you truly want to become and experience.

When you raise your consciousness, you release fears, beliefs and other programs that keep you from hearing what your intuition and heart are telling you.